Kathleen Noelle Black (Yes I was born on Christmas)
primary medium
For the Crafts Council it’s pate de verre, fused, painted, enamelled, cast, and traditional glass windows, sculpture, jewelry. I paint and draw as well.
see my work at
http://www.medeagallery.ca/ , http://www.westendgalleryltd.com/ and http://www.inplainviewwinnipeg.com/
mcc member since
I don't remember but I was refused many times until I finally earned the honour!
what I love most about my craft
It’s just a magnificent medium. Beautiful, reflective, changeable, challenging.
a craft/art mentor or “hero”
All those wonderful sharing and open crafts people but Inspiration comes from all mediums. Perhaps Bertil Vallien and Khahil Gibran.
something my craft practice has taught me
It’s all about time, patience, more time, and it’s very sharp.