primary medium
forged steel
St. Andrews/Selkirk
mcc member since
2000, but lapsed a couple times...
what i love most about my craft
The art of blacksmithing is an intriguing craft. It is a craft that requires carefully planning and great patience; that is punctuated with flashes of loud and fiery actions to achieve the goal of the finished product. It is this dichotomy of blacksmithing that I love the most.
something my craft practice has taught me
Patience, and to view steel as something to be formed into an approachable, touchable and usable shape, rather than a cold and foreboding material.
favourite online resource related to my craft Artist Blacksmith Association website British Artist Blacksmith Association
favourite crafty quote
"The craftsman of the future must be an artist..." C.R. Mackintosh
a book that made me think differently about my craft
Art Forms in the Plant World: 120 Full-Page Photographs (Dover Photography Collections). This book is a collection of plant forms that forged iron work has based a lot of its forms on in the last 3 centuries. It inspires one to look around themselves and appreciate the small inspirations that we can easily pass by everyday.
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